ICCC ECUMENICAL AFFILIATIONS The ICCC is a member of the National Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches, Christian Churches Together and the Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC). Through these conciliar bodies, the Council witnesses and works for Christian unity. ICCC churches and centers are given a national and international voice in bodies which seek to shape the Church and human society.
Called by God to seek unity in the body of Christ, the International Council of Community Churches works for unity through several major ecumenical affiliations. Contributions to support these affiliations come only through designated gifts from churches, ministry centers, and individuals. Contributions can be sent through the Council office—ensuring full reportage—or directly to the organization.
Links: National Council of Churches is a cooperative fellowship of 33 Christian denominations and communions in areas of Christian education, ecumenical witness, theological reflection, and moral witness. 110 Maryland Ave NE Suite 108, Washington, DC 20002 (212) 870-2138 www.ncccusa.org
![]() World Council of Churches, where over 300 Christian bodies around the world witness to the universality of Christian fellowship, build bridges through interfaith dialogue, engage in Biblical and theological research, and witness for humanitarian and human rights concerns. 150 Route de Ferney CP 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. www.oikoumene.org
![]() Christian Churches Together is a new forum growing out of a deeply felt need to broaden and expand fellowship, unity, and witness among the diverse expressions of Christian faith today. CCT is inclusive of the diversity of Christian families in the United States — Evangelical, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostals, historic Protestant, Racial and Ethnic churches. www.christianchurchestogether.org Address: 12104 Meadow Lane, Louisville, KY 40243-2026
![]() Churches Uniting in Christ is a covenantal relationship among the African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church USA, International Council of Community Churches, Presbyterian Church USA, United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church to combat racism, celebrate the Lord’s Supper and to engage in other forms of mission together. www.churchesuniting.org Correspondence: CUIC c/o Jean Hawxhurst, 344 Reed Lane, Simpsonville, KY 40067 Contributions: c/o James Tse, Presbytery of New York City, 475 Riverside Dr. Suite 1270, New York, NY 10115