You have several options to make a contribution to the ICCC.

2) By Mail: Send a check or money order to the ICCC, P.O. Box 249, Loudon, TN 37774.

3) Click here to process a credit card contribution online.

4) Call the office at 815-464-5690 and provide your credit card number and contribution amount.
5) You can now download the Vanco Mobile app on your smartphone, and contribute to the
ICCC in one easy step. Visit your app store for Vanco Mobile app and download today!

ICCC in one easy step. Visit your app store for Vanco Mobile app and download today!

6) Donate via the Venmo app! @ICCCNOW1950
It’s that easy!
Your contribution will help the General Fund, which supports our shared ministry, if not otherwise noted. All donations are contributions to a 501c3 incorporated religious organization and are legitimate tax deductions. Please retain a record of your contribution and, as specified by the IRS. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.