The ICCC Permanent Endowment Fund ~ Where your gifts keep on giving

“I am making the very first gift to the ICCC Permanent Endowment Fund in the amount of $1,000 because I believe the Fund is important to the Council’s future.”    Rev. Dr. Marion Bascom, 2003

 What is it?
  • A fund established in 2001 to help the Council in perpetuity: 
               –  Promote religious, ethnic and racial inclusivenes
      –  Encourage ecumenism with other faith traditions                                                                            –  Fulfill Christ’s vision “That we all be one.”
  • Administered by the ICCC Endowment Trustees                                                                                                                                                    –  Six trustees serve 3-year rotating terms –  2 new each year
  • Consists entirely of socially responsible investments
  • Managed by the highly regarded Presbyterian Foundation’s New Covenant Trust Company
  • Currently has $335,000 in equity and fixed income investments
  • Includes 600+ gifts from individuals, churches & Christian organizations
  • From inception through January 2019, the Fund has distributed a total of $58,474 to the ICCC               

 “Giving to the Endowment Fund is a marvelous way to ensure that your gift will keep on giving in perpetuity, generating support for the ICCC for generations to come.”   Rev. Herman Harmelink, 2012

  When the Endowment Fund becomes large enough . . . we will be assured that the ideals of the ICCC community will be perpetuated into the long-term future.”    Susan Miller, 2009

How does it work?

  •          Assets can be in one or more New Covenant Fund investment  options:                                                                                                       –   Equity Funds – currently approximately 46%                                                                                                                                                 –   Bond Funds – currently approximately 51%                                                                                                                                                    –   Cash and Cash Equivalents – currently approximately 3
  •         Endowment Trustees may alter the investment mix among the four options above based upon                                   market conditions. 
  •          Distributions to the ICCC occur each January based on 10% of the accumulated appreciation as of June                  30th of the previous year net of all previous distributions.
  •          The Fund’s principle cannot be touched except in an emergency.  Distribution of principle requires                         approval of 2/3 by the ICCC Board and approval of 75% or more of delegates at the Council’s Annual                         Conference.  
“We love the Council and couldn’t be more pleased to have the privilege to make a gift to its Endowment Fund so it can help the ICCC continue far into the future.”   Rev. Dr. Kermit & Helen Long, 2004

“I think the Endowment Fund will help perpetuate what the Council stands for.  I have been a regular contributor to the Fund and hope to do so for many more years.”  Susan Miller, 2009     Why Should I Give?

  • Because the ICCC embodies the non-judgmental, inclusive values in which you believe                                                                            – The Fund enables your gifts to support these values for generations to come
  • To provide an enduring legacy in memory or in honor of loved ones or friends                                                                                            – Gifts totaling $10,000 or more can be named after a loved one or friend                                                                                                – Gifts totaling $25,000 or more may be designated for a specific purpose by donor
  • You have the option to be in the Fund’s gift recognition program                                                                                                                       – Six current gift levels from $1 to $25,000+                                                                                                                                                       – Donors with cumulative gifts of $5,000+ become members of the Burkhardt & Evans Supporters                                               – Donors intending to make estate gifts become members of the Fund’s Guardian Angels


“We support the ICCC Endowment Fund because we are enthusiastic supporters of the Council and its stated purpose to serve as an international, interracial communion of churches and ministry centers which seek Christian unity in local, nationaland world relations.”         Nancy and Jim MacVicar, 2012

“Please consider pledging a gift to the ICCC Endowment Fund.”  Monica Brame, 2009

  How Can I Give?

  •     Gifts in any amount are welcome—there is no minimum  
  •     You can give in two ways                                                                                                                                                                                               –   Current gift                                                                                                                                                                                                              –   Planned (estate) gift
  •    Current Gifts                                                                                                                                                                                                                     –   Liquid gifts, such as cash, checks, money orders and/or investment grade securities.                                                                    –   Non-liquid gifts, such as real estate, art, collectibles, jewelry and gems.  Formal appraisals are                                   required for all non-liquid gifts.
  •  Planned (Estate) gifts                                                                                                                                                                                                      –    Wills                                                                                                                                                                               –   Trusts (e.g., revocable, charitable remainder & living)
  •   Your gifts are tax deductible

“I am a strong believer in the inclusive and ecumenical values that the ICCC embodies.  That is why I am making a bequest to  the Endowment Fund.  It will help ensure that the Council continues to promote these worthwhile values for generations to come.”   Bob Harris, 2013   To make a gift to the ICCC Permanent Endowment Fund:

  •   Current gift

  Click here to download form

  •   Planned (estate) gift
   Click here to download form To learn more about the ICCC Permanent Endowment Fund, click on one or both of the links below.